:sweet baby, sweet baby, sweet baby squirrel:
my bff is about to become a mother x 2.
this time she is having a bouncing baby boy!
I'm so excited!
beyond thrilled!
..I had to plan a shower..
when halsie first found out she was pregnant, she didn't want everyone to know.
so, we started calling the baby "sweet baby squirrel" (secret code) when we'd talk about him.
naturally, the shower fell around our pet name for the little guy.
halsie picked the color scheme of grey, white and red.
...and I ran with it...
here is the invitation:
the invite is a press printed card - layout put together by yours truly.
for the envelope, I used kraft paper bags. I printed the sweet baby squirrel on them and then sewed up the flap with red string.
the address label was also put together by myself. it is a wrap around label with my return address on back.
the decorations came together great.
there was a lot of ideas I had going on, but when it came down to it, I just ran out of time.
so, not everything I had planned happened.
but, c'est la vie.
here is the food table, all put together:
I made tablecloths for both the counter and an odd size table (5'x5').
both cascading grey ruffles.
I loved how this tablecloth hid the counter below.
the honeycomb balls and paper lanterns were purchased at the local party store.
the food was awesome!
halsie's mom, kelli, and myself made almost everything.
we did have some help from my mom and smith's grocery store :)
nom, nom..
these pictures are making me hungry.
kelli, peeking in to say "hi!"
another view of the kitchen
halsie and I made this garland.
it was pretty cheap and easy and we got a lot of compliments on it!
halsie's thank you gifts.
close-up of the paper flowers we made.big thanks to whitney and jake for helping me fold all of them!
mother-to-be's chair.
the front door.
the garlands were all made by me.
the white one is just gathered white felt.
and the kraft paper one was made by accident :)
I saw some others online, and when I tried to duplicate them I failed.
..these came out of my fail, and I love them more..
finally, our wishes for baby:
we saw these on Pinterest and LOVED them!
I made some to match the invites and decor.
I think they are such a neat idea.
and they could be done for some many different parties!
I'm sure we'll be doing them again.
I am so lucky to have such a great bff!
I can't wait to meet her little man.
I'm going to gobble him up.